Breaking news
  1. LSL League Important Dates & Deadlines
  2. UPDATE: Spring Training Registration is Now Closed
  4. WANTED: Scorekeepers and Umpires for the 2025 season

Information for the 2025 Season

Years of birth: 2016, 2017

Season: Try outs / evaluations start in late April, teams are usually made by mid-May. The regular season ends at the end of July or early August. All teams play in Regional tournaments held in mid-August. All playoffs are completed by the third week of August.

Frequency: 2 games and 1 practice per week


Home games: Seignory Park, Pointe-Claire, Quebec and Arthur-Seguin Park, Pointe-Claire, Quebec

Away games: “A” team plays against other teams in the Lac St Louis Region, “B” teams usually play against other teams in the West Island.

Equipment needed: baseball glove, grey baseball pants  and soccer/baseball cleats. The jersey is provided. Although it is not mandatory, players are encouraged to wear an athletic support (jock or jill) especially at the A level).

Description: At this level players are evaluated and assigned to a formal team and formal games are played. Starting at this level, we also have an “A” level team. To be considered for the “A” team, players will be required to go through try-outs.

All players (both the “A” and “B” levels) hit off a pitching machine/tee. All players play equal time and get a chance to play each position.

Click here to register.